Robot for the MIT 2.007 Competition

Robot in Action

I made this robot for 2.007, the first Design and Manufacturing course for mechanical engineering students at MIT. The course is based on a competition in which students’ robots complete tasks in order to earn points.

The final competition can be seen on the MIT TechTV. Also featured in MIT News: Robots compete in “Hack to the Future”

2015-05-08 07.56.26

I designed the robot to complete two tasks: to reach and drive a cable, and to lift the door of the mock up DeLorean.

2015-04-03 11.48.08

Mechanically, there are two components. The cable car, with 2 wheels and a winch for driving and lifting respectively, and a scissor lift for reaching the cable at the start. In order to avoid powering both components, the lift is powered by the winch in the cable car through a pulley that disengages once the robot has reached the cable. The system is driven by two motors, one for driving and one for the winch, powered by a LiPo battery. The motors are controlled by an Arduino Nano.

2015-04-03 11.50.20

CAD Model

Assembly Render 3 Assembly Render 6

Assembly Render 5

Assembly Render 4

Videos of test runs

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